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Rolling Hor izon을 적용한 발전용 유연탄 조달 최적화 모델의 민감도 분석
A sensitivity analysis for the procurement of bituminous coal using the rolling hor izon of an optimization model
장남철 ( Chang Nam Chul ) , 박현지 ( Park Hyun Ji ) , 황승준 ( Hwang Seung June )
DOI 10.35373/KMES.22.4.2
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-300-003945873

The purpose of this study is to contribute to the cost competitiveness of domestic power generation companies against uncertainties such as raw material price volatility. Specifically, we created and analyzed scenarios based on how fluctuations in demand changes in inventory holdings, how ship size decision affects the cost of inventory, and the variations of transportation costs influences the amount of raw material to be purchased by the region. To derive the results reflecting the reality, we based on the existing optimization model on minimizing the total cost and by using the real data of a power generation company in Korea. Technically we applied a rolling horizon technique and estimated the effects of rising temperature on the amount of raw materials to be imported.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]