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POFA 혼입률에 따른 시멘트 모르타르의 초기 물성에 관한 실험적 연구
An Experimental Study on the Initial Physical Properties of Cement Mortar with POFA
위광우 ( Kwang Woo Wi ) , 이한승 ( Han Seung Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-540-000338601
이 자료는 4페이지 이하의 자료입니다.

Demands for the replacement materials of cement have been increasing due to social problems such as CO₂ reduction and exhaustion of resource. Recently industrial by-products, for example GGBFS and fly ash, have been used as an admixture. However Studies on POFA have been insufficient. POFA, which is used in this study, was obtained from burning of palm oil shell and husk from a southern part of Malaysia. In this study, early compressive strength and porosity of cement mortar with POFA are measured, and appropriate fraction of POFA is 10%. In terms of porosity, POFA is used as a filer in mortar. Later, activity index of POFA and long-term experiments are needed.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]