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교통사고로 인한 외상 후 기질성 정신장애 환자 치험 1례
CASE REPORT : Clinical-Case Study on a Patient with Organic Mental Disorder after Head Trauma Caused by Traffic Accident
서상일 ( Sang Il Seo ) , 김남열 ( Nam Yeol Kim ) , 김대환 ( Dae Hwan Kim ) , 구병수 ( Byung Su Koo ) , 김근우 ( Geun Woo Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-510-000377748
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 무료로 이용 가능한 자료입니다.

Objectives: This study evaluated the effect of oriental treatments and rehabilitation on a patient with organic mental disorder after head trauma caused by traffic accident. Methods: We treated the patient with acupuncture, herb-medication, oriental psychotherapy, and rehabilitation. MMSE-K, BDI, K-MBI, FIM were evaluated before and after treatment. Results: The results indicated that MMSE-K was maintained at 27 points; BDI was reduced from 16 points to 5 points; K-MBI was increased from 75 points to 99 points; and FIM was increased from 86 points to 115 points. Furthermore, the treatment resulted in reduced mental symptoms and improved work capacity. Conclusions: Oriental medical treatment has potential validity in improving symptoms of organic mental disorder.

I. 서론
Ⅱ. 증례
Ⅲ. 고찰
Ⅳ. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]