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KCI 등재
DME 합성을 위한 고압 유휴가스 분리용 Membrane 시스템 개발
Development of High Pressure Membrane-Based Associated Gas Separation System for DME Synthesis
김학은 ( Hackeun Kim ) , 배명원 ( Myongwon Bae ) , 이상진 ( Sangjin Lee ) , 하성용 ( Seongyong Ha ) , 이충섭 ( Chungseop Lee ) , 모용기 ( Yonggi Mo )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-500-002122765
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 이용이 불가한 자료입니다.

The objective of this study is to develop a gas pro-treatment system for DME synthesis, wherein this system separates CO2 from Flaring gas as Membrane, in order to save raw material (CH4) cost of DME. In this study, hollow fiber membrane is developed, which is able to separate high-pressure gas, supported by polysulfone and coated with amorphous fluorinated polymer. Throughout the evaluation of the membrane’s separation characteristics, the membrane is applied to this system. The membrane is designed by 2 stages for over 90% removal rate of CO2 and over 90% recovery rate of CH4. The bench scale of pro-treatment system is developed as 25 N㎥/hr.

1. 서 론
2. 중공사 분리막 기술개발
3. 분리막의 기체투과도 특성
4. 가스전처리 공정 시스템 개발
5. 결 론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]