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현대전에서의 법률전(法律戰)과 우리 군에 대한 함의: 중국 인민해방군의 시각을 중심으로
Modern Warfare`s “Legal warfare” and The Implication for ROK Armed Forces: Focus on the Chinese PLA Perspective
국방정책연구 104권 125-154(30pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-300-000236748

“Legal warfare” already has become a form of modern warfare in its own right. With today`s quasi-universal recognition of public international law and the laws of war, the question of legality has become an important basic standard for determining the justifiability of military movements as well as shaping the approbation or opposition of international public opinion. Chinese military leaders have realized the strategic importance of “legal warfare” (falu zhan). This was notably evidenced by the coming into force of the “"Chinese People`s Liberation Army Political Working Regulations” in December 2003, which established legal warfare as a branch of the so-called “Three Warfares” (san zhan), alongside media and psychological warfare. The present paper makes a synthetic analysis from our own perspective on this important subject most Koreans are still unfamiliar with. It will successively examine the concept of “legal warfare”, which is the key strategy of the PRC`s maritime strategy, the its uses and application examples, its assessment by each country as well as a discussion of the strategy dispositions Korean armed forces have taken in response to it.

Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 法律戰의 법적 근거와 각국의 분석
Ⅲ. 法律戰의 운용 방법 및 실제 운용 사례
Ⅳ. 法律戰의 완비
Ⅴ. 우리 군의 대응 방향
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]