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KCI 등재
마분말 첨가 파스타의 품질특성 및 제조조건 최적화
The Characteristics and Optimizing Production Conditions of Pasta Prepared with Yam Powder
나유리 ( Yu Ri Na ) , 윤은아 ( Eun A Yun ) , 주나미 ( Na Mi Joo )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-590-002590516

This study`s objective is to determine the optimum mixing ratio of yam (Dioscorea japonica THUMB) powder and egg for the preparation of pasta. Response surface methodology revealed 10 experimental points, including two replicates for yam powder and egg. Yam pasta formulation was optimized using rheology. Yellowness(p<0.05) and redness displayed a linear model pattern, while lightness was represented by a quadratic model. The texture(p<0.05), including flavor(p<0.05) and overall quality(p<0.05) was measured as a sensory evaluation. In addition, mechanical properties displayed significant values in adhesiveness(p<0.05). These results showed that yam powder affects flavor and appearance, and egg affects adhesiveness and overall quality. The optimum formulations processed by numerical and graphical optimization were determined at 19.50 g of yam powder and 28.07 g of egg.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]