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교원임용시험에서의 교육철학의 필요성에 대한 비판과 대안모색
Educational Philosophy is Necessary for the Examination to be a Teacher?
정진곤 ( Jean Gon Cheong )
교육철학연구 33권 2호 159-179(21pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-360-002430591

교과교육학 전공 교수들은 교원의 양성과정과 교원임용시험에서 교육학을 축소하거나 제외해야 한다고 주장한다. 그 동안 교육철학자들은 동서양의 철학자, 교육사상가, 교육사조, 교육의 개념 등을 연구하여 왔고, 임용고사에서는 이와 관련된 문제들이 출제되었다. 이에 대하여 교육철학자 자신도 그 동안의 교육철학연구들이 관념적이고, 이론적이며 교육현장에 대한 연구를 소홀히 해 왔다고 인정하고 있다. 영국과 미국에서도 교육철학적 연구와 지식이 교육현장의 개선이나 교육정책의 입안과 실행에 도움을 주지 못하고 있다는 반성이 일고 있다. 현행 교원임용고사에 대해서는 그 동안 많은 문제점이 제기되고, 다양한 대안들이 제안되었다. 교육학자와 교과교육학자들은 서로의 학문적 영역을 넓히기 위한 논쟁보다는, 학교현장에서 학생들을 열심히 가르치고 지도할 수 있는 자질과 능력을 소유한 교사를 양성하고, 임용할 수 있는 합리적인 대안을 모색해야 할 것이다.

Many people in Korea think that teaching in school is a very good job and many students want to be a teacher. They must pass the national examination to be a teacher in a public school and examination is highly competitive. Educational knowledge including educational philosophy, history, administration, sociology etc., is objective and multiple choice. The students prepare the examination at a preparatory school and pay expensive tuition. The professors majoring in subjects such as science, English, mathematics and argue that it is important to have knowledge and skill about teaching the subjects, not educational knowledge. The government tries to eliminate the examination of educational knowledge. The paper examines whether these kinds of arguments are valid and the test of educational knowledge is not necessary to be a teacher. It is very difficult to support the argument that the test about educational knowledge is necessary to be a good teacher. The questions of educational philosophy are about famous philosophers or educational scholars such as Plato, Aristoteles, Rousseau and Dewey, etc. and knowledge about contemporary educational philosophy such as analytic philosophy, critical theory and phenomenology. The questions in examination reflect educational philosophers` scholarly works which have been criticized practically ineffective and regarded by most members of educational community as an inward-looking scholastic activity making little contribution to the formation of educational policy or the improvement of educational practice. A few educational philosophers argue that education is a practical work, not a theoretical inquiry and educational philosophers pay much attention to the school, the students, the teachers and education policies. Even though these kinds efforts changing the directions and research themes in the educational philosophy are necessary and valuable for the improvement of education, the people against the educational knowledge in the examination to be a teacher will continue to argue that the written test should be abolished. They argue that the students to be a teacher neglect to study their teaching subjects and course works in the university to prepare the examination at a preparatory school. The educational scholars including educational philosophers and majoring in teaching subjects such as science and English together make efforts how to innovate the systems of teacher education and selecting the teachers. It is very important to have a good teacher in school. So many young students in Korea want to be teachers in school and a good teacher will be selected if we have a nice system for teacher education.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]