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KCI 등재
학문목적 유학생들의 독해력 지수와 읽기 전략, 동기 변인들과의 상관관계 연구
한국어 교육 21권 4호 25-50(26pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-350-002383206
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 이용이 불가한 자료입니다.

Kyung Ryung Kim. 2010. A Study on Relationship between Korean Language Learners` Language Learning Strategies, Motivational Factors and Reading Comprehension Quotient. Journal of Korean Language Education 21-4: 25-50. This study examines the relationship between various factors which influence to reading comprehension procedure. 33 foreign subjects and 10 Korean subjects participated for this study. All of the subjects has a goal to get a bachelor or master degree from the university in Korea. Their attending school, majors are various. Both foreign subject and Korean students participated for reading comprehension test which pertain high reliability and trustability at measuring reading ability. When taking a test, participants were divided into two groups who can use a Korean dictionary or not. Every single subjects` duration of testing time recorded carefully by research assistant. After taking a reading comprehension test, foreign subject answered for the modified version of SILL questionaire invented by Oxford(1990) in order to examine the usage of reading strategy. They also answered Gardners` (1985) modified AMTB questionaire in order to examine various motivational factors. The findings of this study is as below. First, foreign subject who got higher reading ability use various kinds of reading strategy frequently and flexibly. Second, In order to upgrade higher level of reading speed, foreign students need to be trained how to handle it. Specially, training of metacognitive and cognitive strategy is needed. Third, foreign subject who got strong integrated motivation shows higher level of reading ability. This factors seems to be important to maintain and stimulate to handle various kinds of reading materials. This study implies that there exist strict meaningful relationship with the usage of reading strategy, motivational influences in order to achieve higher level of reading proficiency.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]