Accordingly we try to confirm that architect is a useful source for idea development of hair design and the purpose of this study is that by using architectural characteristics of architect of Antoni Gaudi, called a "Wizard of plastic arts" in Spanish architecture and by making work, the artistic expression realm is expanded and creative work is made. The result of this study is as follows. First, as its theoretical background, architect and hair design was reviewed to look at the their common similarity and analyzed the best work which consists of Palau Guell, Casa Batllo, Casa Mila, Parque Guell, Sagrada Familia and expresses the idea and architect characteristics of Gaudi after reviewing the social historical background for his architect and his life history. Second, through the researcher`s subjective analysis based on previous study, we deduced dynamics of form, malerisch of color and variety of material, which are characteristics of Gaudi`s architect. Third, making of works was done by applying 6 pieces which shows well architectural characteristics deduced from Gaudi`s architect idea and best works to actual model. So this study is considered to maximize its value as architectural art while it proves that artistic expression realm can be expanded and architectural character can be an endless development source for hair design by utilizing architectural characteristic of Gaudi`s architect.