The purpose of this study is to research the symbolism of dreadlocks according to the cultural characteristics. This is a qualitative research using the books and theses about society, culture, hair and beauty, and materials of internet. The results are, firstly, dreadlocks are heavy matted coils of hair which form by themselves (organic or neglect dreads) or with the help of hair products (salon dreads). Dreadlocks consist of dread perm, back combing, dreads wax, and dreads wigs. There are general dreads, soft dreads, and dreads extension (afro & silky) in salon dreads. Secondly, Locks can be an expression of supernatural fetishism and social status in African, religious practices and asceticism in Hinduism, tribal identity in Rastafarianism, heritage and political resistance in African-American. Thirdly, dreadlocks was propagated from African & Hinduism to Rastafarianism, and from African & Rastafarianism to African- American, influencing subcultures of young generation, and finally hand a impact on modern mainstream.Today, the wearing of dreadlocks has transcended racial and religious barriers. No longer necessarily a reflection of ancient traditions or cultural identification, locks are just as often a simple fashion statement.