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음식점 원산지 표시제 시행에 따른 소비자의 인식 및 요구도 조사 -서울시 거주하는 성인 대상-
Consumer Awareness and Demand for Country-of-Origin Labeling at Restaurants -For Adults Who Live in Seoul-
안희진 ( Hee Jin Ahn ) , 박상현 ( Sang Hyun Park ) , 주나미 ( Na Mi Joo )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-590-001754643

The purpose of this study was to investigate consumer awareness and demand related to country-of-origin labeling at restaurants, and to provide basic data to reexamine the need for current policies and to determine problems. The study found that 70% of the respondents thought that the implemented representation policy had improved food quality, and 81.3% of the respondents checked country-of-origin labeling at restaurants. In addition, 74.7% of the respondents answered that "reward for accusation" was appropriate policy. Regarding the degree of recognition of the meat importers, the respondents were well aware of the importing countries, but did not recognize the importing country of chicken. In terms of preference for meat importers, Australian beef was rated highest, but beef from the U.S. was ranked seventh. However, in preferences for pork and chicken, U.S. products were rated highest. According to the survey, in a question regarding the perception toward country-of-origin labeling, the respondents recognized that rice, beef, pork, and chicken were the targeted items. In addition, the respondents suggested that other food ingredients at restaurants should be designated as target items for country-of-origin labeling.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]