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성공적 노화에 대한 청소년세대와 노년세대의 인식 차이에 관한 연구
Differences in the Awareness of Successful Ageing between Adolescents and Old Adults
이창식 ( Chang Seek Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-590-008501469

This study was aimed to compare the awareness of successful ageing between two different generations, and to investigate variables to affect the awareness of successful ageing of each generation. Data were collected from 207 adolescents and 149 old adults. Main results were summarized as follows: First, the study showed that there were both of differences and similarities in the awareness of successful ageing between adolescents and old adults. Old adults were higher in the awareness of stable dwelling and use of surplus ability, and planning of purposive life as successful ageing than adolescents. But there was no significant difference in healthy and sound family relationship between two generations. Second, adolescents who were male, attending high school, living in rural and fishery areas, and high in living standards, showed higher scores in the awareness of successful ageing than any other adolescents. Third, for old adults, male old adults were higher in healthy and sound family relationship as the awareness of successful ageing and ADL than female ones. As shown above, except for sex and ADL variables, that there were no differences in awareness of successful ageing among variables meant a lot of consensus of successful ageing. Finally, for adolescents, healthy and sound family relationship was affected by sex, school level, living standards, and intimacy with grandparents, stable dwelling and use of surplus ability was affected by school, and planning of purposive life was affected by school level and living standards. For old adults, on the other hand, all of sub-factors of successful aging were affected by only ADL in this study.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]