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인슐린의존형 당뇨병 환자에서 발생한 당뇨병성 근육경색
A Case of Diabetic Muscle Infarction in a Patient with Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
장준호(Joon Ho Jang), 남재현(Jae Hyun Nam), 강웅철(Woong Chul Kang), 정정일(Jung Jung Il), 권석호(Suk Ho Kwon), 윤용석(Yong Suck Yoon), 차봉수(Bong Soo Cha), 원영준(Young Joon Won), 송영득(Young Duk Song), 임승길(Sung Kil Lim), 김경래(Kyung Rae Kim), 이현철(Hyun Chul Lee), 허갑범(Kap Bum H)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-005469882
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 구매가 불가능한 자료입니다.


Diabetic muscle infarction(DMI) is an uncommonly reported complicatian of diabetes mellitus, DMI tends to occur in younger, poorly controlled diabetic patients with other end organ complications(retino- pathy, nephropathy, neuropathy). The typical feature of DMI is abrupt onset of thigh pain, tenderness, and swelling, over a period of days, and a firm mass develops. There are no associated systemic symptoms or signs indicative of infection and no skin disco- loration suggestive of cellulitis or thrombophlebitis. The patient was diagnosed as DMI with the findings of ultrasonographic, bone scan and magnetic reson- ance imaging as well as typical clinical and labora- tory findings. The painful mass persists for weeks, occasionally with exacerbation of symptoms, and then spontaneously resolves over several montks. Immo- bilization of the extremity with prolonged bed rest and strict sugar control has had beneficial results. We report a case of diabetic muscle infarction in a 30- year-old woman with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]