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불임 환자에 있어서 황체형성호르몬에 관한 유전자 분석
LH-β Gene Analysis in Infertility Patients
김정연(Jung Yeon Kim),박기현(Gee Hyun Park),배상욱(Sang Wook Bae),이병석(Byung Suk Lee),안용호(Yong Ho An)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-005329558

Objectives : To investigate the presence of LH-β gene mutaion in women with infertility by analyzing the gene sequence of LH-β subunit. Materials and Methods : From June 1999 to March 2000, nuclear DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples of 32 women infertility patients and the exon 3 of LH-β subunit gene was replicated by PCR(Polymerase Chain Reaction). The product of PCR was analyzed for the presence of point mutation from G1502 to A1502 within the LH-βsubunit gene by RFLP(Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism). Additionally Direct PCR mediated DNA sequencing was performed. Result : In the 32 infertility women studied, the point mutation from G1502 to A1502 was not present and 2 normal bands were observed on RFLP. Conclusion : The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a point mutation from G1502 to A1502 is present in women with infertility. Very few cases of LH-β gene mutation have been reported, and since the site of point mutation is highly variable, identifying and localzing LH-β gene mutation should be difficult and further studies must be conducted.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]