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임신중 수두감염 1 예
A case of Varicella Infection during Pregnancy
임종철(JC Lim),임영구(YG Lim),김세광(SK Kim),김완기(WK Kim),주수길(SK Joo),이용제(YJ Lee),서경(K Seo),김재욱(JU Kim)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-005354628

저자들은 임신 16주에 수두감염이 확인된 산모에서 임신20주에 제대처자로 채취한 제대혈에서 수도대상포진 바이러스 특이성 IgM항체를 검출할 수는 없었으며 그후 정기적인 초음파검사를 통해 태아의 이상소견이 없어 임신을 지속하여 임신 38주에 정상 태아를 분만한 1예를 경험하였기에 간단한 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

The varicella during pregnancy is rare. The incidence of varicella among pregnant women is about 5 in 10,000 pregnancies. In 1947, Laforet and Lynch were the first to describe an association between maternal varicella infection in early pregnancy and congenital anomalies in the offspring. the existence of a syndrome was first postulated by Srabstein et al(1974), Brunell(1983), Kotchmar(1984), and recently Higa et al.(1987) described most of the malfomations associated with maternal varicella infection. Varicella-Zoster viurs(VZV) infections acquired during pregnancy may result in serio us disease for both the mother and the fetus. The effects on maternal health can range from a mild chikenpox exanthem to servere life-theatenig illness often complicated by viral pneumonitis. The fetus may remain unaffected, but VZV infection during early pregnancy has been associated with a congeital syndrome including muliplie defects of the skin, limb, eyes, and brain. We reports our experience with a varicella during pregnancy with a brief literature review.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]